In Colombia, only Arabica coffees are grown, which offer a smooth drink, more widely accepted in the world market and at a better price.

We pay special attention to maintaining the oldest varieties resistant to known diseases on the farm.

The Coffee Trees

The particularities of our coffee varieties


The COLOMBIA variety is very similar to the Caturra in terms of size and tree shape, but has resistance to coffee rust. The bud of the plants is tan. Production is equal to or greater than of Caturra. The type of grain and the quality of the drink are similar to the others Arabica coffee varieties.


Suprêmo is a high quality coffee that has earned it the name “Supreme coffee”, which is also explained by its production characteristics. This coffee is a Bourbon variety from a large family of Caturra type coffees.


Variety derived from Timor Hybrid crosses with the Typical and Bourbon varieties It is a large grain variety, greater than 80% supreme coffee Of excellent quality. It is ideal for obtaining special coffees Up to 3,000 plants are planted per hectare It is resistant to rust


The Castillo variety belongs to a single species whose name is recognized for its best quality in the world, the Arabica coffee. It is characterized by offering high production and being resistant to rust, so it does not require the application of fungicides.


The new Cenicafé 1 Variety, recommended for the entire coffee-growing country, has excellent agronomic attributes such as low height, high productive potential, resistance to rust and CBD, excellent cup quality and a higher proportion of supreme grain than current varieties.

We grow more than 4 varieties of coffee trees, two plots have plants from coffee tree seeds from the farm.

planted with Tabi variety in July 2023 and Colombia variety in September 2022; They come from the selection of beans originating from the farm and replanted to offer us very high quality coffees.

The coffees from our Finca Don Manuel have obtained SCA scores of over 80




90 +

Specialty Coffee

What is considered Specialty Coffee?

According to the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), specialty coffee is considered to be coffee rated with more than 80 points on a 100-point scale where certain attributes of this product are measured and evaluated.

The attributes that are evaluated can be both intrinsic (absence of defects, flavor, or grain size) and extrinsic (origin, producer, cultivation style, etc.)

The characteristics or properties that are valued to determine whether a coffee is specialty or not are: Aroma, Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity, Body, Uniformity, Balance, Cleanliness, Sweetness, Overall

Each attribute is scored by an expert taster, with Q grader Arabic certification, on a scale from 1 to 10, with points subtracted for defects. In this way, specialty coffee is considered one in which the sum of all the attributes results in a value greater than or equal to 80 points. If the score is less than 80 points, this coffee is called commercial coffee.
